#7: Cancer

      Cancer has ruined a lot of lives, mostly by killing people. It is an awful disease and no one should ever have to die from cancer. Cancer is one of the worst Hitlers ever. Fuck cancer.

Syd Lexia: Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo.

HitlerBot 8800: Heil Hitler!

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20: Famine

19: Saddam Hussein

18: Vince McMahon

17: Sharks

16: Space Invaders

15: The Macarena

14: Law Enforcement

13: The Sun

12: Women's Suffrage

11: Prohibition

10: Adolf Hitler

9: Dragon Ball Z

8: The Noid

7: Cancer

6: Lousy Weather

5: Dr. Jeebus

4: Andrew Lloyd Webber

3: Thomas Edison

2: John Madden

1: Joseph Stalin

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