#96: Virtual Boy Wario Land

Released In: 1995
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo

      One day, Wario was vacationing in the Amazon Awazon river basin when he spied some strange monsters entering a waterfall. Wario followed them and learned that there was a cave behind the waterfall that held a giant mountain of amazing treasure. The monsters tried to stop Wario from taking their treasure, but he made short work of them. Then, just as our favorite Mario foil was about to grab the treasure, the ground collapsed beneath him, sending him deep into the earth. Now it is up to you: help our friend return to the surface and grab the treasure! Beware enemies with thorns, they can damage Wario.

Syd Lexia: I remember seeing this game at the video store when I was fourteen and thinking to myself, "Holy crap, it's Wario! I've got to rent this game!" And I did. It's a pretty fun game, but I'm still rather embarrassed that I decided a video game might be enjoyable simply because it is had a familiar corporate mascot on the box. Would I have been just as excited if the game featured Joe Camel or Count Chocula? Perhaps. Come to think of it, I'd probably STILL play a game starring Count Chocula. I command that you make one for me... NOW!

Valdronius: This game has a pretty cool looking intro, but that's about it. The gameplay overall just isn't very engaging. Then there's that second boss that fires sonic waves at you, and lightning if you get too close. Good luck beating that guy.

Kris Lexia: I just thought of a doggy eating toothpaste and foaming at the mouth.

SpamBot 5000: Tracksticks are tiny GPS tracking devices capable of continuously logging their own location histories. The Trackstick Mini records its own position, time, date, speed, heading and altitude. Traveled routes can be viewed directly in Google Earth.

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100: Virtual Boy Wario Land

99: Virtual Boy Wario Land

98: Virtual Boy Wario Land

97: Virtual Boy Wario Land

96: Virtual Boy Wario Land

95: Virtual Boy Wario Land

94: Virtual Boy Wario Land

93: Virtual Boy Wario Land

92: Virtual Boy Wario Land

91: Virtual Boy Wario Land

90: Virtual Boy Wario Land

89: Virtual Boy Wario Land

88: Virtual Boy Wario Land

87: Virtual Boy Wario Land

86: Virtual Boy Wario Land

85: Virtual Boy Wario Land

84: Virtual Boy Wario Land

83: Virtual Boy Wario Land

82: Virtual Boy Wario Land

81: Virtual Boy Wario Land

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