The Mystery of Scented Moutain

Story and Illustrations By
Carol Howie Eldridge

Creative Concepts Corporation
©Copyright 1979
Patent pending

      Thoughts: I don't see any sort hyphen in Miss Eldridge's name, which would indicate that Howie is her middle name. That's fucked up. Howie isn't a girly name and I can't think of anything it could possibly be short for. Howina? Howexandra? Wait, those aren't names. Another interesting point is that the copyright is 1979, but most people don't recall seeing personalized books until sometime around 1985 when they were sold through FAO Schwarz. Let's see if the inside cover page gives us any clues as to whether or not this is going to be a good book. We've got a faceless kid in a goofy detective costume, a gay little gingerbread man, and a shitload of Mason jars. Yup, this book is *definitely* worth the $16.45 that it retailed for. Let's see how the story unfolds...